Books for the TBR Pile... 'Yep, I know...' Edition

I know... I said that I was going to try and cut back on the ol' book buying ahead of a weekend away in a couple of weeks. That was the plan but then the last five days happened and 'Past Graeme' decided that 'Future Graeme' could do with a few treats (thanks, 'Past Graeme). As per usual, it's nothing that I can't handle but there's a hell of a lot of work to be done and only one of me to complete it all ahead of deadlines. This does get me down but it's the nature of the job and I do have some time off next week so... Hopefully I can relax a little ahead of going back. 

But anyway... Sorry for banging on like that, I wouldn't have minded if you'd just scrolled down to the pictures ;o) Basically, I got paid and work was stressing me out so, book buying happened; that's the long and short of it. Come and take a look at what I bought,

I've given up trying to read this series in any kind of order but luckily, I know where it's all headed so I can just jump up and down the timeline however I see fit ;o)
I was going to wait for 'Echoes of Eternity' to be released as a paperback but Amazon had it on offer so I took the leap. I've read a couple of chapters and it's looking like it's going to be very much an excellent read. There's a lot of it though so you're going to have to wait a little bit for a review.
'Mortis' was also on offer but I was always going to have a copy, just look at that gorgeous cover ;o) I don't know when I'm going to get round to reading this, hopefully soon.

Another 'Age of Sigmar' book? Hell yes when it's written by C.L. Werner, one of the better Black Library fantasy writers. This may end up coming with me on my weekend away, we'll see.
And 'The Final Girl Support Group' is a book that's been sat on my Amazon wish list for bloody ages and seeing as we're in October now... Well, it seemed like a good time to pick it up ;o) To be read... hopefully this month, that's the plan, lets see.

And that is that for today, it's going to be another busy one so I'm going to stop here. Anything take your fancy? Have you read 'The Final Girl Support Group' and want to tell me what you think? Either way, leave a comment and let me know... ;o)


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