Books for the TBR Pile... 'A Mighty Cull...' Edition

Well, it's been coming for a while and yesterday , it finally happened. I love books and I love my books but I've been buying them far quicker than I can read them and my flat is tiny... Something had to give ;o) Over the last couple of days, I've taken a good hundred (or so) comic books and horror/fantasy/sci-fi books to the little 'Phone Box Library', on Lewisham Way, and left them there for anyone who happens to be passing. If you're in the area, there may be a few left... ;o)

How does it feel? I'm feeling pretty good actually. There are still a lot of books in the flat but I'm feeling less and less like a hoarder and more like someone who has a few too many books, that can't be a bad thing :o) And some of those books were in pretty good shape (the comic books in particular) so it's nice to think that someone else will get some use out of them. I can't see myself doing it again for a while but I'd recommend having a little clean out every now and then, it feels good. Now, it's onto the DVDs.

A few books have turned up this week but with the number I've got rid of, it's not a huge deal ;o) I've had a lot of fun with the 'Reader Recession Relief Readalong' (posts over Here) and that's what led me over to eBay to see what other books I could turn up (I've got a lot of Brian Keene's work on Kindle already but fancied some hard copies as well).. Not a bad little haul as it happened...

As you're asking... ;o) I'd say that 'Jack's Magic Beans' is the most likely to be read and reviewed first; purely because I'll need to read 'Dead Sea' and 'Earthworm Gods' before tackling the other two. That's no chore though. And check out those 'Deadite' covers, aren't they just brilliant?

Slightly dodgy moment with the camera there... Sorry about that! After reading 'Hole in the World', I knew that I had to take the plunge and grab a copy of 'The Lost Level'. Nothing against 'Selected Scenes from the End of the World' but I'll be reading 'The Lost Level' first, looking forward to it as well ;o)

And last but by no means least... I've never read 'Pressure' (never saw a copy over here, that could just be me though - things weren't good then and I missed a lot of books...) and figured it was way past time, so here it is :o) 

So... It looks like the 'Reader Recession Relief Readalong' might just have become a 'Brian Keene Readalong'. Well, it was always going to happen wasn't it ;o) I'm going to keep ticking along with these and see where I end up. Anything here you'd like me to start off on first? Leave a comment and let me know ;o)


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