Books for the TBR Pile... 'Rough Week' Edition

My old landlady used to say that she could tell if I'd had a rough week by the number of parcels that would turn up on the doorstep addressed to me. I wonder what she'd say if she'd seen the parcels turning up this week... ;o) It hasn't been the worst week (trust me, I've had a lot worse), there's just been rather a lot of it with several deadlines circling ominously overhead; what a time to be alive ;o) The 'Purchase' button took a bit of a hammering and the Greenwich Oxfam had a few things for me too. Come and take a look...

I've been on the lookout for a copy of 'The Zombie: Simon Garth' for a few years now (to replace an old copy that I had to sell back in the day) and my persistence finally paid off ;o) Look out for a 'Simon Garth' double bill over the next couple of weeks, it's been long overdue but now I have both books...

'House of M' was a surprise find in Greenwich Oxfam, I've never read it but always meant to so now I can :o) Not sure when you'll see a post for this one but it will happen, eventually. And it's been ages since I last read any 'Judge Dredd' and 'The Complete Case Files 38' was on offer so it pretty much bought itself ;o)

'The Tomb and Other Tales' and 'Cell' were my other two finds in Greenwich Oxfam. I'll be dipping in and out of 'The Tomb' in the very near future (I mean, there's a tale called 'The Evil Clergyman', how could I not read it straight away?) but 'Cell' might have to wait a while.

I thoroughly enjoyed 'Spiders' so was really pleased to be able to bag a copy of 'The Web' without too much fuss and bother. I'd like to get to it fairly soon but lets see what the coming week does to me first... It's very much a priority read though.

I've been meaning to read 'Things have gotten worse since we last spoke' for a long time now, missed my chance to pick up a Kindle copy when the book made the leap into Titan's publishing schedule. I'm persistent though and as you see, the new collection is with me ;o) Funnily enough, the first thing I did, when I got home last night, was to read 'Things have gotten worse' and... Bloody hell I won't be forgetting that in a hurry! I need to read the other two stories, in the collection, but you can pretty much count on seeing a review sooner rather than later.

And 'Hole in the World'... I've never tried Keene's 'Lost Level' books so here's my intent to do just that ;o) Again, I'm looking at sooner rather than later, even sooner if it's the next instalment in his 'Reader Recession Relief' programme ;o)

And last but by no means least... I loved reading the 'Zombies vs. Robots' books (way, way back in the day) so when this popped up on Amazon, I couldn't resist. Slightly disappointed that it's not a comic book but I'm not going to let that stop me reading it. I just have a couple of books that I want to read first and then...

And that's it for this week ;o) Anything here jumping out at you as a book that absolutely has to be read? Let me know, the TBR Pile is a flexible beast you know... ;o)


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