'The Return of the Living Dead' (1985)

It has been a long old day today, a good day but a long one. Loads of books shopping, donuts and I've somehow managed to get my two daughters into 'Age of Sigmar' (which was unexpected but very cool). This hasn't left me much time for the blog though, which I suspect will become a familiar refrain over the course of the week, so it's a good job I've been squirrelling away a few books and movies for a week like this (I knew there was a reason why I was doing it)... ;o)

First up then, a quick look at 'The Return of the Living Dead'...

When a bumbling pair of employees at a medical supply warehouse accidentally release a deadly gas into the air, the vapours cause the dead to re-animate as they go on a rampage through Louisville, Kentucky seeking their favourite food, brains.

'The Return of the Living Dead' is one of those movies that I should just love, full of zombie attacks and zombies making smart ass comments while the human cast grows steadily smaller. The thing is though... Of course I love it, it's full of zombie attacks and zombies quipping like their 'life' depends on it. It's never stood up too many repeated viewings for me but 'Return of the Living Dead' is a movie that I'll come back to, every few years, and enjoy just as much as I did the last time I watched it.

I watched it the other night, funnily enough, and while I couldn't tell you much about the human cast, it's definitely the zombies that make it so memorable. You can forgive them being able to talk when they do things like 'order out' for more humans or will quite happily tell our 'heroes' just what the big deal is about brains. I've got nothing against the human cast (if it wasn't for them, there wouldn't be a plot and really, they're just there to die) but it's the zombies that I keep coming back for. It's been years since I last watched it so can only say now that I can see where Brian Keene's zombies came from.

And I'm not going to lie, that's all I've got tonight. There isn't a plot to speak about as such, just loads of zombies doing what these zombies do best. Is that enough? Well, if you like your zombies with a little more social commentary, a la' Romero, then 'The Return of the Living Dead' isn't the movie for you. If you like your zombie movies extremely quotable and with more than a few laughs though, well... You know exactly what I'm talking about as you've probably already laughed your way through 'The Return of the Living Dead' already. Good, isn't it? ;o)


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