Books For The TBR Pile... 'Half Term' Edition...

There's no rest for the wicked... ;o) I've somehow managed to get through the last few weeks of work, now I've got a week off but so have my daughters and I've somehow got to keep the feral little beasts occupied. I'm not sure what that will mean for the blog; less books and more TV/comics I reckon. Lets see...

In the meantime, I'm still promising myself that I'll actually read the books in my flat but then going out and buying more because apparently I'm the human equivalent of a Jackdaw, only with books dammit... I've picked up some good ones though (although I would say that, wouldn't I?) so lets take a look,

Well, it wouldn't be a 'Books for the TBR' post without at least one book from Guy N. Smith ;o) Another eBay find that might have to just wait it's turn before being read (the 'Guy N. Smith TBR Pile' is growing...)
I'd never heard of 'The Black Veldt' until I got tagged on Twitter, saw the book and thought it could be just my thing. Here's the blurb,

Jose Carvel is a scumbag. But he wants to be a better person. The degenerate writer and former ward of state is trying to recreate himself in the slums of the Lower East Side, yet his past won’t stop haunting him. Those violent memories of his dark nights on the road. The tormented faces of those he left behind. The relentless nightmares of that ancient, demon- stalked veldt with its covenant of blood and its master of shadow, dirt, and stars. He must confront his own dark truth while exploring the depths of sexual depravity and obsession in Fear City during its Summer of Sam. Carvel must fight to save the woman he loves… While rescuing his own soul from the Black Veldt’s vile kingdom.

All being well, I'll be into 'The Black Veldt' this week. I'll let you know how it goes...

A couple of comic books to replace old copies that have somehow disappeared over the last few years (I'm still not sure where my old copy of 'The God Butcher' is but anyway...) You might just see one of these books feature this week, reading time is going to be at a real premium so quickish reads will take priority.

And I'm not even a big Terry Brooks fan (I liked the 'Word and Void' books but can take or leave 'Shannara') but I saw these two books in the Red Cross shop and absolutely fell in love with the old school cover art. I guess this means that I've got to read them now... ;o) No idea when that will be but... aren't those covers just gorgeous? 

And that's that for this week. As always, if there's anything here that catches your eye, drop me a comment and I might just bump said book up the pile... ;o)


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