Books for the TBR Pile... 'Slightly Early' Edition...

Well, the plan was to finish the week off with some 'Vox Machina' comic book action but the day I've just had (well, still having actually) at work put paid to that bright idea... I won't go into too much detail, because that's not what you're here for, but my new pet hate is people trying to drop you in it for stuff that's actually all on them... But anyway.

With plans of a book post now looking like it's going to happen next week instead, I thought I may as well treat you to tomorrow's post a day early ;o) Despite all that stuff I said last week, I had several moments of weakness and the results...? I'll show you...

Well, I had Book 2 already (read my review of 'Killer' over Here) so I pretty much had to buy the other two books in the series, for the look of the thing and also because there are some names here that I really want to check out (I've never read anything by Manly Wade Wellman for a start). Expect to see the odd story feature here and there in the near future.

And while I was looking at copies of 'Renegade Swords', I came across this reprint of 'Weird Tales' which I realised that I had to have, partly because of that cover but also the bit that says 'All Stories Complete' ;o) Same deal here, I'll dip in and out of this and tell you about what I find within...

And it wouldn't be a 'Books for the TBR Pile' post without some Guy N. Smith, would it? ;o) I've been looking for a cheap copy of 'Doomflight' for ages and when I realised that wasn't happening, I figured I'd have to pay whatever it took. So I did :o) 'The Eighth Day' was more of a speculative purchase as I'd never really heard of it but eBay pushed it my way so I figured it would be rude not to have a copy ;o) I've got a few of Guy's books now, that I haven't read yet, so I'm not sure quite when I'll get to these. Soonish, I guess.

And last but by no means least... I picked this little beauty up during a 'charity shop sweep' at lunchtime. It's been years since I've read the 'Eisenhorn' series so it must be about time to pick it up again (and with famous last words like that, expect to see a review in a couple of years knowing me).

And that's your lot for this week. I'd like to say that I won't be getting any more books now but... it's me ;o) Does anything here catch your eye? Leave a comment and let me know.


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