Books for the TBR Pile... 'All Guy N. Smith' Edition

I'll be honest, there's not a lot on the ol' update front. Work absolutely wiped me out last week so I spent most of yesterday in bed, apart from a few moments where I got up and made bacon rolls. It was just what the Doctor ordered ;o) Did I get any reading done though? Unfortunately not, yesterday was more about trying to find something decent to watch on Prime, which I didn't... Oh well, lets see if I get any reading done today (fingers crossed)...

As far as the books go though... Well, it had to happen, it's all about Guy N. Smith this week ;o) 

I could have just bought Guy N. Smith's back catalogue on Kindle but where would the fun have been in that? I love rooting around in old bookshops and I'm also known to keep an eye on eBay because well, you've got to really. There are only so many bookshops that I can get to and if I want to read all of Guy's books... then eBay it is. And this week I struck a rich vein of books that I've never been able to get hold of, until now...

I spent a couple of days with my fingers crossed that no-one would notice that there was a cheap copy of 'Accursed' on eBay and now it's mine :o) It's a little bit the worse for wear, I'm going to have to glue a few pages back into the book, but right now I'm just glad to have my own copy. 'Accursed' will be reviewed, of course it will, but no promises about when that might be; I've got a few books that I really need to finish first.

It was the same kind of thing with 'Warhead', I saw it cheap on eBay and snapped it up quickly before anyone else realised it was there. It's mine now :o) I can see myself reading this one a lot sooner, feels kind of topical at the moment...

I've never read any of the 'Sabat' books (I have read a couple of the short stories though) so when these popped up cheap on eBay... I grabbed them too ;o) I'm not sure whether to leave them until I've found the first two books (these are books three and four...) or just go for it and read them anyway. I've got a few of Guy's books to get through first, before I decide, so keep an eye open.

And... that's it for this week. Not many books but some little gems as far as I'm concerned? What about you? What has come back from the bookshop with you this week? Leave a comments and let me know...


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