Books for the TBR Pile... 'Tiny' Edition

Because it's the last week before payday and book hunting tends to slow down to a crawl at around about this time. It's not just that though, I'm also trying to get through the massive backlog of books in my flat. There's nothing quite like a flat full of books but I've been running out of room, to keep them, for a while now and I need to take action. 'Varying degrees of success' best describes my efforts but I'll keep trying ;o)

Having said all of that though, if I see interesting books then of course I'm still going to buy them :o) Luckily for me, there were only a couple that I saw this week. Here they are,

I will never not buy a Moorcock book if I see it.... ;o) I've never read 'King of the City' so am looking forward to giving it a read. I'm not sure quite when that will be though, it's not like I don't have loads to read first. It's a 'definite read' though, no question about it.
And 'The Red Knight'... Here's a book that was published when my first blog was doing it's thing; I never got round to reading it back then (and I did have a review copy) but I've heard loads of good things about the series, recently, so thought I'd treat myself to a second hand copy. Again, I'm not sure quite when I'll get to it but the thickness of the book suggests that it could be a holiday read, I guess I'll just have to book a holiday then... ;o)

And that's pretty much it for 'books bought' this week, we'll see what the next week holds. In the meantime, I'll be back into 'The Justice of Kings' which is shaping up to be quite the read, maybe even something a bit special. What are you reading now?


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