Books for the TBR Pile... 'And... I'm back!' Edition

Sorry about the silence over the last couple of days... My ex-wife was away for the weekend so I had my daughters to hang out with and otherwise keep occupied, which I did and it was awesome (apart from being caught out in the middle of Storm Eunice, that was bloody dreadful but that's another story). The other side though was that I thought I'd have time to blog or read, after bedtime, and that didn't happen at all, I was shattered and only good for catching up on the rest of 'The Legend of Vox Machina' before falling asleep. And now I've got to go back to work in a few hours... Let me show you book pictures in the meantime...

Payday was on Friday and we all know what that means... ;o) And it turns out that the girls love going round Forbidden Planet and we all know what that means... ;o) Take a look at these beauties,

These are a bit of a cheat because I didn't actually buy them (my ex-wife found them) but they did come home with me so here they are ;o) I tried these when I was very young and they didn't agree with me back them, lets see how we go now... These aren't the kind of books that I can polish off in a week and then review, they will be covered at some point though.

'The Casebook of Raymond Odell' and 'When the Idols Walked' are both payday treats :o) There are a couple of other 'Brak' books to read first so 'When the Idols Walked' will have to wait its turn I'm afraid... Don't be too surprised if you see a review of 'The Casebook' much sooner though. 
'Knight Watch' was a 'Forbidden Planet Find', found while the kids were taking a wander. I'd seen in mentioned on Twitter, ages ago, and I'd promised myself that I'd pick it up when it came out... So I did :o)

I enjoyed John R. Fulz' 'Seven Princes', back in the day, so when I saw the 'Worlds Beyond Worlds' collection, it was an easy purchase. It's a slim looking tome as well and what does that mean...? It means that you can expect to see a review sooner rather than later, that's what it means ;o)
You can also expect to see 'King Conan' getting a post soon, another quick read and one that I'm excited to read soon.

I've  thoroughly enjoyed 'Vox Machina', more on that in a 'final' post this week, and now the show is over, I needed something to keep me ticking over until Season 2.What's that? An Origin Tale? Oh, go on then ;o)
And more 'Conan'... That pretty much speaks for itself ;o)
I've got a bad feeling about this week so I wouldn't be too surprised if reviews for these popped up in the next few days, I suspect that I won't have much time for reading...

And last but not least... I've had my eye on this comic book ever since I started picking up the Sven Hassel books again. 'Death Squad' is a similar type of tale, it just has more pictures, that's all ;o) 'Death Squad' is going to have to fight for a good spot in the TBR Pile; I really want to pick it up soon but there are at least a couple of books (and a comic book) that I want to read first...

And that's that for the week just gone, what books have you bought over the last few days?
Now, wish me luck for the morning... ;o)


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