When is ‘The Book of Boba Fett’ not ‘The Book of Boba Fett’? Some quick thoughts on Chapter 5…

Before we get started, I’m warning you well in advance that this post is going to be horribly spoilery because, well… it just is really. I literally can’t write about this latest episode without talking about, you know who… So if you haven’t seen it yet, maybe you’ll want to go and do that first. It’s worth it, that’s the good news 😉

And as ever, no plot recaps here. I’ll leave that to those incredibly thorough people at Tor.com, they’re good at that 😉 If you’re still with me, let’s go.

To cut a long story short, I’m getting pretty sick of saying the same thing every week although probably not as sick as you are of hearing me say it 😊 You’re probably wondering why I’m still watching at this point. Well that’s easy, there’s still a little part of me that will watch anything ‘Star Wars’ and ‘The Mandalorian’ built up a lot of credit in the bank 😉

I get down to it though and the bottom line is that Chapter 5 throws up all the same stuff that the previous four chapters have done. It looks amazing, with loads of little nods to the Star Wars Fan in all of us, but it’s so frustrating at the same time.

It was great to see Din Djarin casually stroll back onto the screen like he’d never been away. Better than great actually, more like bloody marvellous. ‘The Book of Boba Fett’ needed this, it really did. It really needed something (or someone) to yank the story out of a rut and really push it forwards. Well, that was what I’d hoped for but I should have known that there would be an hour of ‘catching up with Djin’ to do first and then the show would be over for another week. And there wasn’t even any Boba this week (and only a little Fennec). I really don’t get why this story feels the need to be constantly taking a step or two back before it goes forward again. What should be, and is to be fair, very cool is just overshadowed by the glacial pacing and I’m starting to feel like however it ends, ‘The Book of Boba Fett’ won’t be worth it. And that would be a shame as there is a lot of cool stuff to be found.

It’s good to catch up with Djin, albeit on an entirely different show… Was I watching ‘The Book of Boba Fett’ or getting a sneak preview of Season 3 of ‘The Mandalorian’? Either way, it looked superb and the fights were the same. Not only that, you can’t help but get attached to ‘slightly awkward Djin’ who is finding himself ever more out of place in the universe. We all know how that can feel and I just want him to get his family back, I’m pretty sure that he will.

And the detail that goes into the background of this show is just amazing, right down to seeing a Womp Rat in Beggar’s Canyon. I love it! There is clearly a lot of love that goes into this show, I just wish they’d get the balance right and tell the story that needs to be told.

Talking of which, did I really just watch just under an hour of ‘Mandalorian 2.5’, only for Djin to say, “I’ll be back in a bit, just need to sort this thing out first”? I did and there are what, two episodes left? ‘The Book of Boba Fett’ (or ‘The Mandalorian’, or both…) has so much going for it but really needs to concentrate on the important stuff now…


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