'The Book of Boba Fett: Chapter Four – The Gathering Storm’

It’s Wednesday so obviously it’s time to open ‘The Book of Boba Fett’ (I’m sorry…) and pick up from where we left off last week. Or go back in time via one of Boba’s dream sequences. Or, as is more likely, a little bit of A and a little bit of B. Can you tell that I just want this show to settle on one thing and just do it? 😉 Well, ‘The Gathering Storm’ looks like a step in the right direction…

Today has given me a little bit of a kicking so this won’t be a long post, just so you know. As always, I’ll let Tor.com do the heavy lifting, as far as episode re-caps go, but I will be very spoilery today because so much cool stuff happened and I need to talk about it, just a little bit. Which is weird, given how I’ve felt about that over the last few episodes…

Lets just get to the point. I’ve been moaning, for the last few weeks, about ‘The Book of Boba Fett’ and its insistence on prioritising ‘cool vibes’ over actual storytelling; it’s insistence on filling in gaps that didn’t need to be filled while ignoring the ‘present day stuff’. Don’t get me wrong, I still feel exactly the same about that and this episode has it’s moments along these lines. Not everything has to be joined up, sometimes the story is better for the stuff that isn’t told. And that is basically what has me confused about ‘The Gathering Storm’… There are large chunks of ‘flashback’ that didn’t need to be told (Shand being modified was cool but not really necessary, we already know that she makes it) but at the same time, they are interspersed with moments that are just amazing; moments that for me, are what ‘Star Wars’ is all about.

Here come the spoilers…

I don’t really get the point of hovering your ship (that you’ve just spent ages trying to get hold of) right over the Sarlaac when Shand has a tiny little droid that could fly right down its throat. What I can absolutely get behind though is the Sarlaac trying to eat an entire spaceship and being taken out by everyone’s favourite ‘Star Wars Explosive’, it’s seismic charge time again 😊 Stealing back Boba’s ship was just the right kind of ‘blaster-fest’ that I was after although I couldn’t help but wonder how Boba managed to park the ship in the first place if he couldn’t quite back it out. And the sit-down with the other crime families… I loved the way that Boba got everyone’s attention, brilliant stuff.

Is it enough though? The flashbacks come to an end (thank goodness) but in terms of this episode, we’re not left with much time for anything else. I quite like the idea that the Tuskens have taught Boba about the importance of family and now he’s making a family of his own. Krrsantan was far too cool to just be a walk on part so it’s good to see him make a reappearance, and fighting Trandoshans as well, and become a part of that family. If the ‘musical hint’ is anything to go by then we can look forward to seeing the return of an old friend and possibly some of his friends as well. Is it enough though? In terms of the series as a whole then we’re clearly seeing things being set up here but in terms of this episode on it’s own? It’s more of the same with loads of back story and none of the stuff that actually matters. The (hopefully) good news is that things should start happening next week but that doesn’t leave me feeling happy right now. Of course I’m going to wait though, I want to see what happens to that droid with the bunny ears…. (curse you Disney…)


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