Books for the TBR Pile... 'Yep, Hungover...' Edition
Sorry for the lack of post yesterday... I was with my kids and after that, I drank rather a lot of caramel vodka and danced (very badly) in my ex' friend's kitchen, as you do... ;o) Which kind of leads me into an apology for today's post being rather on the late side. It won't be any surprise that while I can drink a fair bit of caramel vodka, I don't deal too well with it the next day. Nothing that a lot of sleep and a quarter pounder meal can't solve ;o)
So, that's me, how are you doing? What are you reading and are you enjoying it? I'm a long way into 'Priest of Bones' and it is turning out to be a superb read so far. I'm guessing you knew that already though, given what I hear on Twitter, it sounds like I'm the last one to the party (again). Oh well, better late than never ;o) I'm hoping to finish it over the next couple of days and to get a review up later this week.
And a few books have found their way to my place over the course of the week, of course they have. Come and take a look,
'The Collected Pulp Horror - Volume One' has loads of pulp goodness in it but I'm here mostly for the Guy N. Smith interview that's inside. Will there be a post for this? Probably not, not everything has to have a post here, but I'm still going to enjoy dipping into the articles etc, especially that interview :o)
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