Books for the TBR Pile... 'Well, that didn't last long' Edition

I was doing pretty well with the whole 'no new books in January' thing and then I got paid... To be fair, I needed a bit of cheering up as well, it had been one of those weeks, but even so, I fell and I fell hard :o) On the other hand, I feel a lot happier now! I'm going to see if I can make this the last 'big' book shop until next pay day. I'm also going to have to make at least some of these books 'priority reading' over the next few weeks. In the meantime though, come and take a look at what has turned up on my doorstep... ;o)

The Guy N. Smith books...

With the paperbacks, you have to grab them when they're cheap and these were going cheap so... ;o) These look like short reads so expect to see these turn up, in 'post form', very soon.

The Polar Bear Comic...

I haven't read this book since I was a lot younger (and I do mean a lot younger...) so when I saw it on offer, on Amazon, that was all the excuse I needed. Well, that and that glorious cover art ;o) It's going to be a busy one this week and 'Shako' is a very slim read so don't be too surprised if you see a write up in the next few days.

The 'Tie-Ins'... And Thongor...

I've been meaning to read more 'Age of Sigmar' fiction and 'Thunderstrike' was only a fiver so it pretty much bought itself. We're looking at a thick ol' anthology here so I'll be picking stories from it, as and when, rather than tackling the whole thing at once. 
I had to go and pick up my heart medication, the other day, and the pharmacy isn't that far a walk from Brockley Books so of course I paid it a visit. 'The Dark Door Opens' and 'Thongor and the Dragon City' were two purchases. I used to love the 'Lone Wolf' RPG books and I've got a few other 'Thongor' books that 'The Dragon City' will sit well with. Not sure when I'll get to these but we'll see...

The 'Fighting Fantasy' Books...

The top three books are 'Brockley Books' purchases and what I love about these books are that even though they're later editions, they still have the incredibly cool original art, inside, as oppose to the 'ok but nowhere near as cool' art that's on display in books like 'Port of Peril'. Which leads me onto 'Port of Peril' which I've always fancied trying so treated myself to a copy ;o) I'd normally post a photo of the book but the cover is all gold and reflective and I couldn't get a shot without my reflection appearing on the cover. You guys don't need that ;o)

And that's your lot for this week :o) Have you ended up buying a whole load of books that you didn't mean to (or totally meant to)? Leave a comment and tell me all about it, I won't judge you...


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