Books For The TBR Pile - 'Happy New Year!' Edition...

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Well, Happy New Year for yesterday but you know what I mean ;o) I hope you had a good one, whatever you ended up doing. We played it safe and just watched the fireworks from a bedroom window. My eleven year daughter managed to make it all the way to New Year and felt all grown up in the process; my eight year daughter fell asleep at about half eleven and was pretty much heartbroken when she woke up in the morning... It's the way it goes, there's always next year ;o)

I'll be honest, I don't have much lined up in the way of reading resolutions; the main thing is to carry on enjoying what I'm reading and maybe check out the odd new book every now and then. There's plenty of other stuff going on for me (nothing major, just intense really) so reading is a real leisure thing for me and I want to make the most of it ;o) There are a few books, in particular, that I do want to finish though, just because... Tad Williams' 'Brothers of the Wind' is the main one (Christmas was not a good time for reading) as it's a great read, I also want to finally finish 'The God Is Not Willing' (because I asked for a review copy and then had no time to really get into it...) and John Gwynne's 'Malice' as well (everyone loves it and it sounds like just my thing, I've just never been able to find the hook that gets me into it). After that, it's anyone's guess what gets read next ;o)

One other thing that I'm doing is Night's '2022 Reading Challenge' which is basically not to buy any new books (for January at least, I did order a couple before I saw the post but I'm letting myself off there) and just try and concentrate on what's taking up room in my flat instead. There's loads of that by the way, seriously, books all over the place. It wouldn't be so bad if I planned on reading them but there are loads that have been tucked away for months and forgotten about. You know what I mean... You see a book (for me, mostly in charity shops) and you plan to read it but somehow never do and it's just taking up space that another book (one that you would read) could do with... I want to have a really good clear out this month and doing the 'Reading Challenge' will help as I won't be bringing stuff back into the flat. Lets see how it goes...

Which kind of brings me to the point of this post. I'm not planning on any more 'Book Haul' posts this month but I did buy a few over Christmas etc and they deserve their time here ;o) So, for the first and probably last time this month, lets take a look shall we...?

I bought 'Domain' in 'The Works' because... I was buying my ex a jigsaw and it was only a couple of quid extra to get 'Domain' as well. Yep, I've got a problem (more than one, judging by that last sentence...) Having said that though, I can now finish off my 'Rats Re-Read' ('The Rats' reviewed Here and 'Lair' reviewed Here) so look out for a review fairly soon.
I found 'The Shores of Death' in Greenwich Market and grabbed it because I was pretty sure that I didn't have it. I really should check actually... ;o)

I picked up these beauties at Crofton Books, in Brockley, home of a really great selection of second hand sci-fi and fantasy books. The horror shelf needs a little work though but there's time ;o) I had to pick up 'Destiny of the Daleks', I have a real soft spot for this story, but whether I read it or not is another matter as I have never seen such a battered old Doctor Who book before :o) Oh, who am I kidding? Of course I'll read it ;o) 'Logan's World' looks intriguing as well. Give me a few weeks, to get to it, and I'll let you know how it pans out.

And then there's 'Knightfall' (also from Crofton Books)... I'm more of a Marvel reader, these days, but really enjoyed reading 'Knightfall', and its sequels, back in the day (in the nineties so way back in the day) so thought I'd give it another go. That's about that really ;o)

And that's that until I cave in and buy more books, lets see how long I can hold out. How about you? Do any of these books take your fancy? Or have you found any awesome books recently and want to share? Leave a comment and let me know... ;o)


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