Books for the TBR Pile... 'Best Saturday Ever?' Edition

Today didn't start off looking like the best Saturday ever to be honest... The day began with my being slightly hungover and wishing that payday came a little earlier than next Thursday, typical Saturday morning really ;o) But then it got better. Turned out that all I needed was my ex-wife buying me a fry-up to turn things round :o) And then it got even better than that, seriously :o) I got back to mine and found this book waiting for me...

Pride often goes before a fall, but sometimes that prideful fall is so catastrophic that it changes history itself.

Among the immortal Sithi of Osten Ard, none are more beloved and admired than the two sons of the ruling family, steady Hakatri and his proud and fiery younger brother Ineluki - Ineluki, who will one day become the undead Storm King. The younger brother makes a bold, terrible oath that he will destroy deadly Hidohebhi, a terrifying monster, but instead drags his brother with him into a disaster that threatens not just their family but all the Sithi - and perhaps all of humankind as well.

Lets just say that as soon as I hit 'Publish' on this post, I'll be clearing all the other books off my favourite chair and getting stuck into this book. Look for a review very soon.

And that is how my Saturday went from 'zero to awesome' in the space of about an hour and a bit ;o)

There have been a couple of other books turn up this week and they're pretty cool too, lets take a look...

I'll be honest, this isn't the first copy of 'The Ice Schooner' that I've bought but it is my favourite cover so when I saw it on eBay, I was always going to buy it. And 'Sojan'... Absolutely gorgeous cover to one side, I've only ever read the one 'Sojan' story (and that was back in high school) so I'm looking forward to seeing what Sojan is all about. After I've read 'Brothers of the Wind' that is... ;o)

And that's it for a small but perfectly formed book haul :o) Anything here that takes your fancy?


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