Quote of the Day! (An Occasional Series...)

And by 'occasional', I course mean one of those days where my kids have run me ragged and I've only just got back to my place and I've got no time left to actually write the post that I wanted to (Neil Gaiman's stint on 'Eternals' actually, just in case you were wondering... ) A day very much like today ;o)

Luckily for me, I had a copy of Fritz Leiber's 'Swords and Deviltry' in my bag (which I've never read funnily enough, hence why it was in my bag, it's way past time) and I read a few pages on the bus back home. And that's when I came across this quote,

‘As the twain eyed each other challengingly through the murky fog lit indirectly by distant torches, they were already dimly aware that they were two long sundered, matching fragments of a greater hero and that each had found a comrade who would outlast a thousand quests and a lifetime – or a hundred lifetimes – of adventuring.
No one at that moment could have guessed that the Grey Mouser was once named Mouse, or that Fafhrd had recently been a youth whose voice was by training high-pitched, who wore white furs only, and who still slept in his mother’s tent although he was eighteen.’

It is certainly a quote that has just bumped 'Swords and Deviltry' up the pile (the last few days has shown me that as big as the TBR pile is, sometimes you have to go with what feels right), just need to finish 'Conan and the Spider God' first. It's quote that is signalling something momentous but isn't afraid to have a little fun with it at the same time. Makes you wonder what other famous heroes were like when they were kids... I'm hoping that the rest of the book is in this vein, I think it will be ;o) Fingers crossed. 


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