'Creepshow’ – Season 3, Episode 5: ‘Time Out’ & ‘The Things In Oakwood’s Past’

I’m in no mood to come up with anything bookish today (loads of reasons, most of them to do with work – there’s loads of it to get through before I go on leave next week…) so it was kind of fortuitous that this latest episode of ‘Creepshow’ came along when it did. I got to have a proper break, at lunchtime, and I’ve got something to blog about. Just a quick one mind you, it’s been a long day…

Creepshow’ has had a few excellent stories, these last few weeks, but is still prone to those little lapses of consistency that leave you wondering why you watched the whole show instead of just the good story. The show has built up a lot of credit with me (when it's good, it's really good) but I still can't help but approach Thursdays with a little note of caution as I don't know which 'Creepshow' is going to show up. The excellent one, the 'half and half' or the not so good at all...? Well this week... I found myself watching another 'half and half' episode, that's the way it goes.

'Time Out'

Tim finds the answer to needing more hours in the day, but is it worth the cost?

This is a very smooth and well told story that suffers because it is such a well told story, I mean, the blurb is very vague but you already know what happens here... and it does, all of it. The ending just about rescues it though, just about... You know how it has to end but the actual ending... Did he have the key on him? I'm not even that bothered by the actual plot (it's hard to feel sorry for Tim when it just looks like he is going through the motions) but that question will sit with me for a while I think.

The Things In Oakwood’s Past’

When a small town opens a time capsule, the local librarian must try to keep history from repeating itself...

Now this was a bit more like it... Just a bit more like it because again, you could see the ending coming a mile off but the passion and energy you got, in the meantime, more than made up for that. Plus, it was a cartoon so I had a sneaky feeling that they'd push the 'gore envelope' just a little bit more... and they did (which made for an awesome finale). It even has Mark Hamill doing some voice work, not that I could make out who he was playing though (which clearly means that he's very good at what he does). 'The Things In Oakwood's Past' makes up for it's shortcomings by just being so much fun to watch, it's definitely a story that I'd watch again.


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