‘Creepshow’ – Season 3, Episode 3: ‘The Last Tsuburaya’ & ‘Ok I'll Bite’

This particular post is a little bit later than normal as there was something going on with Prime which meant this episode didn’t show for around about a week after it was meant to. Hey ho, that’s the way it goes sometimes. I happened to check Shudder yesterday, looking for something to watch, and when I saw it was finally up… Well, I was all over it because of just how great the last episode was (read my thoughts over Here) and that isn’t something I say about ‘Creepshow’ very often. Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever said it at all come to think of it, funny that… But anyway. Episode 3 had an awful lot to live up to (from where I’m sat anyway) and perhaps inevitably, didn’t quite make it there. Not to worry too much though, there’s still an awful lot to like in these episodes and I’m starting to see a little consistency in the quality. A sign of better things to come? Fingers crossed… 

‘The Last Tsuburaya’

An immoral art collector could never have anticipated the ways a terrifying painting would change his life…

If you know your ‘haunted painting horror’ then you’ll quickly realise that ‘The Last Tsuburaya’ doesn’t really do anything new at all. An evil(ish) art collector gets his comeuppance over a night of terror from a monster that gets right inside his head. The thing is though, ‘The Last Tsuburaya’ doesn’t need to do anything new, not when it does what it does so well; a mixture of tense moments, wicked jump scares and a couple of twists that really work to move the story forward in slightly unexpected ways. The first twist was brilliant, it felt like everything else just sprang from that moment. Add a sword fight, with a pretty terrifying monster, to the mix and you’ve got a story that thrills and chills in equal measure (and yes, I can’t believe that I just said that… I’m sorry). Like I said, ‘The Last Tsuburaya’ may not do anything new but it really doesn’t need, it’s more than fine just the way it is 😊 

‘Ok I'll Bite’

Life in prison is tough but Elmer’s pet spiders always have his back. And just what is lurking behind his cell wall…?

There’s a theme to this week’s show… ‘Ok I'll Bite’ doesn’t really do anything new either with what looks like a fairly standard tale of revenge for the little guy being beaten down. But having said that… Spiders freak me out, eyeballs freak me out. When the two come together, that really does things to me and it certainly did here. Damn…

And without going into too much detail, because the ending has to be seen, the ending is well worth sticking around for. You know what’s coming but there’s still room for a little surprise that does its job very well. So again, nothing new but it works very well and that’s all that matters really 😉


Bring on Episode 4, I’m ready!


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