Books for the TBR Pile... 'Still gouty, but it's not that bad now' Edition

I'm hoping that this is the last week that you see me being all middle aged and moaning about gout (mine) here. It seems like drinking as much water as possible (in as short a time as possible) is the immediate way forward, it flushes out the uric acid crystals around the joints, now I just need to make some changes to make sure it never happens again. It's a bit stop/start but I'll get there ;o)

But you're here for the books, aren't you? Of course you are. I got paid the other day so treated myself to a few books because of course I did; especially after a couple of 'work days' this week. Sometimes you just have to go with it and count the cost afterwards ;o) Looking at my flat though, I'm either going to have to cut back on my book buying or get really creative with where I store them all... Or just read quicker, that could work :o) While I try and figure that out, take a look at what came home with me this week...

I saw that 'The Chronicles of Stratus' now has a book two and I haven't even read book one... Well, I had to do something about that and it's now a toss up between whether I read 'Infernal' or 'Priest of Bones' (another series that I've heard nothing but good things about) next. Which one would you go for?

Is it a payday without new Guy N. Smith books showing up at mine? ;o) I think there's at least one more short story collection that I need to find but these two will keep me going in the meantime. I can see at least one of these being read this week, no idea which ones will go first though. Let's see...

I came home, from work, in a slightly different direction, the other day and saw a charity shop that I don't often get a chance to pore through. I remedied that very quickly and 'Original Sins' was the result of said poring. I've read precisely one 'Hellblazer' book before now and that was over ten years ago so I can't even remember the name of the book... This seemed like a great opportunity to start from the beginning and see what's what, and it was only a couple of quid as well. I really want to read 'The Complete Apocalypse War' first but 'Original Sins' won't be far behind.

And that's your lot for this week. Are there any books here that you think I should pick up first? Or do you just think that I should stop buying Guy N. Smith books? Good luck with that thought, I'm not going to stop ;o)
Leave a comment and let me know...


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