‘Creepshow’ – Season 3, Episode 1 : ‘Mums’/’Queen Bee’

I don’t know how I got to this point but here I am… Youtube is now my official TV ‘Viewing Planner’. I have no idea what’s on any more but Youtube adverts will invariably pop up and let me know what I should be watching. Thanks Youtube, you’re pretty much the only reason why I’m getting any kind of value for money out of my ‘Shudder’ subscription 😉

Whatever video it was that I was watching earlier on this evening, an advert popped up and reminded me that Season 3 of ‘Creepshow’ is officially a thing now. The last couple of seasons have been a mixed bag (click here and you’ll see what I mean) but there was enough in those episodes to get me all intrigued by a new season. And it’s a horror anthology show, I have a real weakness for horror anthologies no matter what they’re like…

Episode 1 then is why today is a ‘two post day’ instead of the normal ‘one post’ 😊 Was it any good though? Well, from where I was sat it wasn’t a bad opener, not a perfect one though…


 Jack’s mother is taken from him, but her garden leaves more to remember her by than he first thought…

‘Creepshow’ does love to tell a tale of a child’s revenge, whether it’s on an evil step-father (‘Model Kid’) or on an elder sibling (‘The Companion’), and you can understand why. Plenty of room for the horror and the ‘right person’ always gets what is coming to them. You can’t ask for a lot more than that really. ‘Mums’ is very much along those lines and does what it sets out to do very competently. There’s a nice blend of tension and weird ‘plant horror’ (for want of a better phrase, erm… help?) that pushes things in the right direction, the comeuppance of the bad guy. This is all great (and the fact that I didn’t have a clue why the seeds grew that way added to the weirdness in a very good way) but the downside was that I really felt like I’d seen this all before in other episodes and that took the shine off for me. A bit of a shame really as the plant effects were just brilliant (both in itself and what it did to its victims…)

‘Queen Bee’

Three teens meet their favourite pop star and realise that she’s not at all what they imagined…

 ‘Queen Bee’ though… I loved this story just for the pure whatthefuckery running through it. The Mum smells weed in her daughter’s room and just leaves her wallet on the bed so her daughter and friends can get pizza. The kid who is a little too knowledgeable about getting past the CCTV. They even kill a security guard, by accident to be fair, and instead of legging it like scared teenagers they decide to keep going and find their idol. And we haven’t even got to the bit where the pop star becomes a MASSIVE BEE CREATURE (which is hitting all my scared bits, I hate bees and wasps…) and the attending doctors have glowing green eyes for some reason. No, me neither.

I had a lot of fun with ‘Queen Bee’, simply because it’s a story that gets up in your face and says ‘I’m going to be weird and a little grim but I’m not telling you why at all, you’ll just have to sit and watch’. And I did. And it was a great ride. I’m hoping that this season of ‘Creepshow’ takes a few risks and gives us more stories like this, fingers crossed…


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