Books for the TBR Pile... 'Slightly Early Edition'

Yep, this should have been a 'Doctor Who' post but sometimes the world just doesn't want you to post anything about 'Doctor Who' and you've got no choice but to go along with it and pretend like it was your idea the whole time. Maybe tomorrow then, we'll see how that goes... ;o) Right now though, lets talk books and those amazing second hand bookshops that pop up in the strangest places and seem to survive despite everything...

I'll be very surprised if anyone reading this is from Lewisham as well but if you are, you probably know about Faction Books already. If you don't, head up the Lee High Road until you get to the Sainsburys and then head over the road to the post-apocalyptic looking Leegate Shopping Centre (seriously, have a look at some of the pictures Here). The Wetherspoons is always open and if you're lucky, Faction Books will be as well. When I went, the owner was in the Wetherspoons (having a smoke) and was happy to let me have the run of the shop in the meantime. Faction Books has a little something for everyone, book wise, and it's in piles of books that have escaped from the shelves and built up from the floor. Not the most accessible of shops then but absolutely amazing if you're the kind of person who likes to go digging for 'Book Treasure' and see what you find. 'Faction Books' seems to be reliant on whatever it can find in house clearances etc so don't expect too much that is brand new. That's not really the point of a bookshop like this, you won't find new books but what you will definitely find are older gems, if you're prepared to dig around in massive piles of books. I was and ended up doing pretty well for myself thank you very much ;o) Lets take a look at what I found...

I posted a picture of these on Twitter, the other day, but they were part of the haul so here they are. You may find that one, or both, of these sneak into the September TBR Pile (depending on how I do with other books); I need a little Guy N. Smith in my reading at the moment.

Staying with the 'animal/eco-horror' theme, 'The Swarm' looked like it could be interesting so I thought I'd check it out. A little Googling confirmed that this is the book that inspired the very poorly received film of the same name. I'll definitely be reading this then, just not a hundred percent sure when (finishing off 'The God Is Not Willing' will be like opening the floodgates for my reading).
I don't often come across Robert McCammon books so will snap them when I get the chance. I've never read 'Mystery Walk' so couldn't resist it when I saw this copy perching on a pile of books. To be read as soon as I can get round to it.

And a little reminder that I'm really not above grabbing books that are not the first book in a series. I've heard that Leigh Brackett was a writer to read if you liked planetary romances (one day, I will track down a cheap copy of her Fantasy Masterworks collection) and that was what made me pick up 'The Hounds of Skaith'. 'The City' is a little more nostalgic... My Dad had these books on his shelf and I never got to read them. 'The City' was on a pile of books (on even on a shelf, it all became a big blur after a while) so I thought I'd remedy that by taking it home with me ;o) Again, not sure when I'll get round to reading it though, I really want to do better with my monthly TBR pile this month...

And that's that, any books here that take your fancy or that you can tell me a little more about? I'll be telling you all about the Guy N. Smith books soon... ;o)


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