'Loki' – Episode Three, ‘Lamentis’

With three episodes left after this one, the chances of me finally managing to post a 'Loki Post' on an actual Wednesday are growing less and less. To be fair though, I do have a day job and yesterday was one of those days... You know what I mean. Nothing major, just loads and loads to get done and not an awful lot of time to do it in. So, you get the 'Loki Post' today instead and that's ok because we've all seen it now and we don't have to worry about spoilers now, do we? You haven't seen it...? That's fair enough but this sentence is pretty much your last chance to duck out before things get spoilery. If you're still here, it's on you if you get spoiled... You're sure? Lets go then.

The 'other Loki Variant' has been found... For all of about a minute and a half before she goes off to continue her mission to find the Time Keepers and... I don't know, she just needs to find them first. Loki is in hot pursuit though but what are his real motives? A lot more will become clear on the surface of the planet Lamentis, a planet with about twelve hours left before a terminal meeting with it's own moon...

I don't get this episode. There, I said it.

I mean, don't get me wrong, there's still a lot to enjoy in 'Lamentis' (more on that in a sec...) but if you've only got six episodes to tell your story in then you want to make every minute count, right? Well, not if you're 'Lamentis', apparently. If you're 'Lamentis', what you do is have Loki and Sylvie (don't call her Loki) wander about, trying to get off the planet and having meaningful conversations that don't seem to go anywhere. To be fair, that's what you get when you stick two people together who don't trust each other and are waiting for the perfect moment to strike. What it means for 'Lamentis' though is that the episode just floats along to an admittedly cool cliff-hanger ending but with nothing actually moving forward. The set up was last episode, this episode should have moved things along from that.

There are a couple of bits worth pondering though. What's up with Sylvie refusing to be called Loki? I mean, she can call herself what she wants but there's a story there. And the revelation about the TVA makes a lot of sense and might just have something to do with Sylvie's mission, whatever that is. Hopefully, if the next episode decides to get its act together, there should be some interesting stuff to come.

In the meantime though, it's not all bad. Tom Hiddleston is 'Loki-ing it up' all over the place and this week's 'peak Loki' involves Asgardian drinking songs on a train, which is just brilliant. God of Chaos and Mischief indeed... It's a shame that Sylvie didn't get to join in, having to be the one who keeps everything 'on mission'. The fight scenes are brilliantly choreographed and I love it when the MCU goes into outer space. The backdrop is just superb.

I can't help but feel like 'Lamentis' missed it's chance to be a great episode though. 'Loki' still has credit in the bank, for me, so of course I'll be back to watch it next week. Hopefully it will be back to the standard of the first two episodes, there's only three episodes left...


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