Books for the TBR Pile... 'Unexpected Books' Edition.

It's that time of the month where my bank account starts to look really sorry for itself and I'm counting down the days until payday (this Friday, you won't be surprised to learn that I'm really looking forward to it). Book hunting never stops though, not even at the wrong end of the month. I just have to be a little creative about where I look is all :o) I generally can't pass a charity shop without looking in it and there is always a bargain or two to be had. Sometimes, someone else will go looking for books for me (which was unexpected but very welcome). Let me show you what came my way this week... 

Normally, it's just me on the hunt for books and, well... That's just the way it should be really. But sometimes... My ex-partner, and the kids, were in Plymouth (for half term) and I got a video call asking if I fancied any books from a box of books outside a shop on the Barbican. I'm looking for new reads, that I wouldn't normally read, more and more so said yes to the above :o) 'Uprising' is all about vampires so I would actually read it anyway but the others, with their tales of a rugged SAS hero, are not what I'd normally pick up so they're going on the 'you need something different today' pile, for reading at a later date. I could get used to having someone look for books on my behalf... :o)

Back to my own efforts now and I didn't do too badly, not brilliantly not badly either :o)
These two books came from a return to Catford and another search through the charity shops there. I've always meant to read 'Flowers for Algernon', now I can 'always mean to read 'Flowers for Algernon' with an actual copy on the shelf ;o)
'Vampyrrhic Rites'... Now there's a word that I'll be copying and pasting from now on (which funnily enough, is exactly what I said when I bought 'Vampyrrhic'...) Looks like I need to dig out 'Vampyrrhic' and give it a go before I move onto this. I've found my Kindle again so we'll see how that goes.

You can tell things are tight when I start looking for books in Poundland... To be fair though, there are books worth having every now and then. Books like 'The Reality Dysfunction' and 'The Air War' for example, a pound each is pretty good going ;o)
'The Air War' will have to wait it's turn as I want to read the series again (in order) and this book is fairly near the end. I can see 'The Reality Dysfunction' being one of those books that comes on holiday with me, a nice thick book to get lost it... 

And that's that, the next one of these posts will be after I get paid so I suspect you'll be hearing a happier Graeme then! Any of these books catch your eye? Leave a comment and let me know...


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