Books for the TBR Pile... 'Amazing Father's Day Socks' Edition

Apologies for the lack of post yesterday... It was 'Father's Day' and there were about a million things to do that were more important, all of which involved hanging out with my two daughters (playing card games and recreating the 'vomit reflex', my youngest daughter has a 'gross science' kit...) It was all good and it also gives me the opportunity to say that this post was brought to you by the most awesome 'Father's Day' socks ever...

Check it out, 'The Shining' in sock form! :o) All the idea of my youngest daughter, the little weirdo... A belated 'Happy Father's Day' to any Dads reading this, I hope you had a good one.

It's not just about the socks though, payday happened and you know what that means? Yep... I did a little 'Charity Shop Crawl', I went to Waterstones and paid Amazon a visit as well. Here's what I managed to find...

I saw 'Locke and Key' in the British Heart Foundation shop a few days ago and just assumed that someone would have it before I got paid. Turns out I was wrong :o) I saw it again, yesterday, and made sure it came home with me. I read a friend's copy, years ago, and remember enjoying it but can't remember anything else about it, like the plot... I figured now is a good time to read the series again so expect a review soon(ish). 
The 'Conan' was an Amazon purchase, a little 'well done for making it through the month' award if you know what I mean ;o) I don't know if it will feature here before 'Locke and Key', lets see how I feel...

After having so much fun with 'Black Hawks', 'The Righteous' was a 'must purchase' when it was published. Amazon helped me out again ;o) I'm plodding along with 'Wrath' at the moment, and it's looking good, so I think 'The Righteous' might just have to wait a little while. Only a little while though.
I was buying books for my kids, in Waterstones, when I suddenly thought to myself, 'buy something for yourself while you're at it.' I'm never one to ignore good advice and Gardner Dozois' (RIP) anthologies are always good value for money so I grabbed 'The Book of Magic Part II'. There are a few names on the cover that I'm keen to read so you'll probably see a few more 'short story posts' over the next few weeks.

And here are a few more charity shop purchases, courtesy of Oxfam and Cancer Research. The one that intrigues me the most is 'Defending Middle Earth', I know that Tolkien has his detractors but... a whole book defending him...? My defence only goes as far as 'well, I LIKE escapist fantasy so there!' so it will be interesting to see someone, clearly very clued up, do a much better job than me.
It's been ages since I last read 'The Blade Itself' so it was time to grab a copy once again (no idea where my old copy went...) and 'Legends II' will sit very nicely next to my copy of 'Legends' (expect more short story posts).

And that's your lot ;o) Any of these books take your fancy? And I suspect the world has moved on from defending Tolkien but if you have any thoughts one way or the other, leave a comment :o)


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