Books for the TBR Pile... 'Missed a Day' Edition

Yesterday was not a day for blogging... My ex-partner had her first vaccine jab, on Friday, and it knocked her right out, for most of Saturday, so I took the kids for the day (which is always awesome and better than blogging, just a real shame that it was because my ex-partner was feeling rough, hopefully she'll be feeling better today). So yeah, absolutely not a day for blogging then but definitely a day for blowing bubbles, playing 'I Spy' and hanging out watching the first 'Hobbit' movie, If you were wondering at all, yesterday was probably going to involve a 'Doctor Who' post but it's not like I can't do that any other time instead ;o)

But you're here for the books, aren't you? This week ended up being full of new books for the TBR Pile, one of those weeks where everything just falls into place while you're out on the hunt. Amazon did me a few favours here but the really cool stuff came from a quick stop at 'Any Amount of Books' on the Charing Cross Road. It's a great little second hand book shop that has something for everyone any time that you happen to be passing. I'd already taken the girls to the M&M store, the Lego store (ok, that was for me as well...) and Waterstones so I was about due a visit to a shop that I wanted to look in. 'Any Amount of Books' was that shop, here are the books that came home with me (and some others that I ordered)...

The collecting of 'Flashman' books continues and this one came with a postcard bookmark that will only ever make sense to the person who received it originally. I love finding stuff like this in old books and this postcard ended up being the reason why I chose 'Flashman at the Charge' over another 'Flashman' book.
When I was a kid, and just coming to the realisation that there would be no more 'Middle Earth' books (we've all been there), I read a couple of these books where Christopher Tolkien was going through his father's notes and showing us how Tolkien's world developed from earliest notes to the final versions. A lot of it went over my head back then but I saw 'The Lays of Beleriand', in the shop, and thought I'd give it another go. Hopefully I'll get more out of it this time.

These were only a quid each and I had vague memories of reading 'Helene' when I was a kid... Sometimes a little nostalgia and a favourite bookshop re-opening is all the excuse you need to buy books. That and a tiger that seems to be looking out of the cover and into your very soul... ;o) These are short reads so I might just try and work them into a 'Monthly TBR' fairly soon.

A lot of my early fantasy reading revolved around what I found on holiday in various second hand bookshops and market stalls. 'Werenight' was one of those books so I had to buy it again when I found it. And I didn't realise at the time (because why would I?) but Eric Iverson was none other than Harry Turtledove writing under a pen name... You live and learn, don't you? ;o) 'Werenight' is another short read so I can see myself working it into the same TBR pile as the 'Tros' books.
'Dannus' though... 'Breakfast in the Ruins' covered it as a potential 'One Shit Book' and we all know that I will read anything covered by my favourite podcast so... Here we are. I read the first page, a couple of days, and couldn't continue as I just couldn't believe that anyone would kick off a book like that, and I was laughing too hard. I'm going back in though, I have to... ;o)

And last but not least... I used to have a nice collection of the 'Fantasy Masterworks' series but had to get rid of most of them for the same old reasons I always bang on about (money and the need for more money). I thought I'd start trying to collect them again and... here we are :o) The Rudyard Kipling was a 'must purchase' as I can't quite get my head around him being in this series. Yep, despite the stories about talking animals... ;o)
I've never read 'Little, Big' so picked up a copy on eBay. I've hopefully got the day to myself on Monday so it's entirely likely that I'll give it a go then, although I must finish reading 'Dannus' first...

And that's that for this week, not a bad haul if I do say so myself (and I do). Any books here that catch the eye? Leave a comment if there are ;o)


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