Cover Art! 'Satanic Armageddon' - Guy N. Smith

Unfortunately, Guy N. Smith is no longer with us but the books he was working on (just before his passing) will be in the near future. Books like 'Satanic Armageddon', a 'pulp title' with some gloriously pulp cover art to go with it. Check it out...

Just look at that, totally encapsulates what Smith's thriller and horror writing is all about. I've been debating over whether I pre-order or not and I probably will, actually of course I will (more than likely after I post this). There are a couple more books to come (the short story collection, 'From the Dark Hours' and a collaboration with J.R. Park, 'Beheaded') and then that's it, I think this book is worth having as a physical copy.
The blurb is below but be warned, if you're planning on reading 'The Black Fedora' for the first time then I'd skip reading this blurb if I were you...

The forces of evil, led by Satan's disciple, were massing worldwide to overthrow democracy. Throughout the UK and Europe the forces of evil were gathering to destroy democracy.

Bombs, shootings, vehicles mowing down unsuspecting pedestrians in the streets. Death and destruction were rife.


Military and police were stretched. A terrorist, reputed to have a connection with the Dark Powers, was organising a massive army of fanatical murderers. He had to be located and killed before sheer evil ruled the world.


There was one man who just might be able to achieve this, John Mayo, known as the Man in the Black Fedora. He is summoned out of retirement by Counter Terrorism Command and given the task of achieving a seemingly impossible mission against overwhelming odds.

Just in case you weren't sure whether evil wants to overthrown democracy, they mention it twice in the first two sentences... ;o) 'Satanic Armageddon' is published on the 30th April by the Sinister Horror Company.


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