Books for the TBR Pile... 'I got a little carried away' Edition

Okay... I didn't get carried away in a 'lets buy all the books' kind of way (believe it or not, I'm trying to tone it down a little bit) but I did get carried away in a 'it's sunny and I'm out, I just want to buy some books' kind of way. I'll bet I'm not the only one either. Hands up anyone who has been into a bookshop, over the last week or so, and bought a book or two, or more? I thought so ;o) It's just nice to be able to go to an actual bookshop again, isn't it? Of course it is although I really need to finish off some of the 'lockdown' books that I've bought over the last year... So with that in mind then, I'm hoping that you'll understand why this isn't the first time a couple of these books have featured in a post like this...

My ex-wife, and the girls, went to Columbia Road Market for the amazing looking flowers that they have on sale there. I trailed after them as I remembered a cool little bookshop hidden away at the other end of the street... and it was still there :o) Of course I had a little look inside and had to have myself a copy of 'I Am Legend', despite a little voice, in my head, telling me that I already had a copy. That's ok, I told myself, I really wanted a 'Sci-Fi Masterworks' edition to replace the serviceable but dull looking 'yellow cover' edition that I have. Except that I don't, I actually have another 'Sci-Fi Masterworks' edition sitting on a shelf. Oh well, two copies of a book is better than no copies but I'm going to stop there with 'I Am Legend', I think.
'Life During Wartime' is a book that I don't have, thank goodness; I don't read an awful lot of sci-fi these days and 'Life During Wartime' looked like it could be a good one to try when I fancy reading something different. Here's the blurb,

In the jungles of Guatemala, David Mingolla is struggling to survive amongst the rotting vegetation and his despairing fellow foot soldiers. He knows he is nothing but an expendable pawn in an endless war. On R & R a few miles away from the warzone he meets Debora - an enigmatic young woman who may be working for the enemy - and stumbles into a deadly psychic conflict where the mind is the greatest weapon.

I really need to read and review 'I Am Legend' now, don't I...? I'll stick it on the pile. 'Life During Wartime' can wait a little bit longer.

Social Distancing measures meant that we had to go down a few slightly unfamiliar streets after we had been to the Flower Market. That worked fine for me though as we turned a corner to find some enterprising chap had set up a few shelves, in his front garden, and was selling books. Of course, I had to stop for a browse... ;o)
Now, I did know that I already had a copy of 'The King of Elfland's Daughter' but this copy looked so lovely that I had to take it home with me (don't worry, I did pay...) Sometimes it's not just about the story, a book can be a lovely thing to have in itself and that's how I'm feeling about this edition. Having said that, I now have even less of an excuse to not read 'The King of Elfland's Daughter' so that's getting moved up the pile as well.

And that's that for this week except to say, what books did you buy this week? Is they books that I might like? I'm always on the lookout for recommendations so let me know if you have any :o)


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