Books for the TBR Pile... 'Mistimed Nap Part 2' Edition

I can't believe I did it again... I finished work, yesterday, and made the short commute to my bed where I thought I'd give my eyes a rest. Before I knew it, I was ambushed by a nap and now here I am, awake for a little longer than I'd planned. Oh well, early night tonight then ;o)

In the meantime, how's it going? Work wasn't bad, this week, but I'm so glad we've made it to the weekend, aren't you? I'm going to be hanging out with my kids mostly (which usually involves me making them laugh by saying how creepy their toys look, well they do...) but I've also got my eye on a little quality time that's split between reading and obsessively checking eBay to see how my Guy N. Smith book bids are faring. I've bid on a few so won't mind too much if I lose a couple. We'll see... How about you? Are you up to anything special?

Lets talk about books though. Payday was the other day so a few books have arrived, at the flat, since then. I'm trying to tone it down a little this month (because of the eBay bids, for a start, but also because the piles of books are getting much bigger now...) but I always say that and look what happens ;o) We'll see how that goes next week but, for now, lets have a look at my new books :o)

I've read a little Ray Bradbury (and by 'a little' I mean just 'The Illustrated Man'...) so thought it was way past time I gave 'Something Wicked This Way Comes' a go. It's not that high up the TBR pile but it's there or thereabouts.
'The Roo' though... I saw the cover art doing the rounds, on Twitter, a while back and made a mental note that if there was ever a book to go with it, I'd read it. There is, so I will :o) It's not a big read so that bumps it to the top of the TBR pile straightaway.

I love how this cover seems to merge into the table... :o) I've read a few Sven Hassel books (years ago, in my first year of high school like many other kids I reckon) but not 'Legion of the Damned'. It's the first book in the series so I thought I'd give it a shot. Another short book (recognize a trend here...?) which makes it more likely to be read fairly soon.

This one is a bit of an indulgence on my part... During one of a couple of brief stays in hospital (in the eighties), I was given a copy of 'Scream' comic which was an amazing read anyway but my favourite story was 'The Thirteenth Floor' where the AI, for a new block of flats, kills people who annoy him or his residents. I didn't realise it had been collected in trade so when I saw volume 1, I had to have it :o) It's more than likely that I'll have read this over the weekend so look out for something next week.

I'm also reading Chris Wraight's 'The Regent's Shadow' along with a bit of 'Red Sonja' and D.W. Ross' 'Cold From the North' (which I came a little unstuck on, the other week, and an trying to get back into). What are you reading? And have you had any cool books turn up in the post? Leave me a comment and let me know :o)

Right now though, I'm going to try and get some sleep. Wish me luck... ;o)


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