Books for the TBR Pile... 'Bloody Clocks Going Forward...' Edition

 I couldn't get to sleep last night but I'd resolved that one way or another, I'd be asleep before 2am. I just had to. And then it happened... I looked at my phone and thought, 'bloody hell where did the last hour go?' I don't know where it went but I know why it went... Bloody clocks went forward, didn't they... So today has been a slightly grumpy day (apart from feeding the birds with my youngest daughter, that was great) where I've felt like I'm constantly an hour behind with everything, because I am :o) Roll on whenever the clocks go back.

But anyway... That's enough moaning about the clocks/inexorable march of time etc (I feel so middle-aged right now). Lets have a look at the books that turned up at mine (or sneaked through the door, in my bag...)

The Cimmerian travels to the aid of an old ally in the wretched wastes of Stygia - a desert harboring wealth undreamed of, even for the barbarian. Soon his pursuit of the ancient treasure reveals a conniving spirit and undead guards. Dust from the desolate land meets blood, and a dark-hearted sorcerer brings forth strange abominations from this unholy mix. Only the cool head and cold steel of the Cimmerian can save all creation from the horror that awaits...

I'd had my eye on the Marvel Edition for a little while, waiting for it to be released, but when I realised there was an older (and cheaper) Dark Horse Edition, I had that instead :o) I wouldn't be surprised if there was a review this week, I've got a sneaky feeling that all I'll have time for is comic books...

A collection of short 'Conan' tales that I used to have but had to sell (a few years ago). I bought it, this time round, primarily for the Eric Powell story but they're all good from what I can remember. As with the above, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a review this week... ;o)

I never thought I'd find myself saying this but Poundland is proving to be quite the treasure trove for speculative fiction. There are a couple of shelves of second hand books which could hold anything (so it's a real lucky dip) but today I found a copy of 'Veniss Underground' by Jeff Vandermeer. I've never read it so I grabbed the book and it now has a home at my place :o)
I always enjoy Vandermeer's work but have to be in the right mood to read it. There will be a review then but I couldn't tell you when that will be...

Another 'Poundland Find' :o) I never got this far, in my first read of the series, so it was a great find. I just need to re-read the preceding books first and by that, I mean buy them and then re-read them... ;o) It will be a while then before you see 'The Scarab Path' have its day on the blog.

What about you guys? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person obsessively buying books wherever I can... What have you been buying and should I check it out? Leave a comment and let me know... 


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