Books for the TBR Pile... 'Very Late' Edition

Hey everyone :o) Sorry for the brief period of silence on the blog... It was a heavy weekend, what with one thing and another, and by the time I got home each night, I really didn't feel like blogging much... so I didn't. There's nothing worse than watching me 'force' a blog post when all I really want to do is nothing much. No thanks necessary ;o) What did I do instead? I ate pizza and watched the Jason Momoa 'Conan the Barbarian' movie of course ;o) I'll post about it, of course I will, but what I'll say for now is that it's been ages since I watched it and apparently, time does heal wounds; I'm in the mood to be a bit more forgiving of it this time round.

What else did I do over the weekend? I bought books! After a lean week last week, I made it into Greenwich where the hunting was a lot better. It was a day for revisiting old favourites and a day for finding new reads as well. Come and have a look at what I found...

I'm no gamer but all this talk of 'Cyberpunk 2077' got me in the mood for a little Cyberpunk reading and 'Neuromancer' was sat on the shelf, in Greenwich Market, so... Home with me it came :o) I'm back at work today (after some time off ill) so it's hard to say when I'll get round to it but I'm hoping it will be soon.
'Joyland' is one of those books that I've always meant to read but somehow never got round to picking up. Well, I finally picked it up (Greenwich Market again), now I just need to find the time to read it. Unless anyone here says otherwise, I don't think this will be a priority read; if I'm being really honest, I just love the cover art ;o) Has anyone here read 'Joyland'? What did you think of it?

 Another 'Greenwich Market Special'... I was really pleased to find 'The Dark' as I'd reacquainted myself with the blurb, while reading 'Lair' I think, and had just started doing the rounds on Amazon and eBay looking for a copy. Out of all the books I found, 'The Dark' is the one that's most likely to be read and reviewed first so keep an eye open for that :o)

I found these two beauties in the Greenwich Oxfam. It's been a long time (years) since I last read 'Empire in Black and Gold', and I hear the series is being reissued, so now seems like a good time to pick it up again. Look out for a review at some point soon(ish), hopefully, and in the meantime read this review from 'Under the Radar SFF Books'.
I totally fell in love with the intricate cover art for 'Lavondyss' so had to grab it. I suspect I'll have to re-read 'Mythago Wood' first, that's no chore though, so don't expect a review any time soon. There will be one though ;o)

Quite a nice little haul then (if I do say so myself). What books have come your way this last week? Are they any good? Would I like them? Leave a comment and let me know...


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