Books for the TBR Pile... 'Lazy Bank Holiday Weekend Edition'

*Sings* It's the weekend and I'm not at work, it's the weekend and I'm not at work, it's the weekend and I'm not at work... :o)

It hasn't been the worst week ever but I've earned the leave that I'm taking next week. Totally earned it. And to mark the occasion of my first annual leave since Christmas, I went a little nuts on Amazon... Okay, to mark the occasion of my first annual leave since Christmas and the fact that I got paid last week, I went a little nuts on Amazon. Have a look at what's been turning up on the doorstep ever since...

I'm not going to lie, I have no idea why I bought 'Conan the Mercenary'... I think I may have just been really happy that I'd been paid :o)  Anyway... It's here now so I guess I'll be reading it at some point.
I've been putting off reading 'The Shepherd's Crown', because I've got a horrible feeling that I'll get really sad at the end, but bowed to the inevitable and ordered it a couple of days ago. I've got a couple of books that want to read first but 'The Shepherd's Crown' is now on the 'want to get to it soon' pile.
'The Sailor on the Seas of Fate' has been purchased for the 'Elric Re-Read' that I'm doing. I've got a couple of 'Elric' books that I need to read first (for once, I'm going to read a series in order...) but this is also very much on the 'want to get to it soon' pile.

'Forest of Doom' was reviewed yesterday. Over the next week, my daughters and I will be going on at least one of these adventures, maybe two (they've asked for 'Island of the Lizard King' and I was so happy when they did). You will definitely be hearing about these books over the next few weeks.

At the moment, I'm reading Wile E. Young's 'The Magpie Coffin' and Michael Moorcock's 'Elric of Melnibone', both are amazing for entirely different reasons and you'll hear more about those later on this week. What are you reading? And is it any good? Leave a comment and let me know...


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