'The Man With One Name' – Tom Lloyd (Gollancz)

It's been ages since I've read anything by Tom Lloyd, years in fact. I don't know how that happened as I enjoyed reading 'Stormcaller' but life well and truly got in the way and the next thing I know, it's years later and I'm wondering where the time went. Damn... Anyway... 'The Twilight Reign' series may be beyond me now (a bit gutted about this but the fact is, I'm just rubbish at finishing big series) but Lloyd has written other series since then and I thought I'd check one of those out instead. I'll be totally honest, what swung it for 'The God Fragments' series was 'The Man With No Name' only being £1.99 on Kindle and also only being 68 pages long. I'm all about the quick reads these days so I bought 'The Man With One Name' and started reading... I'll talk about it in greater detail a paragraph or two down the page but what I'll tell you now is that when I finished 'The Man With One N...