'Doctor Who: Day of the Daleks' (1972)
has crept up on us once again and... thank goodness for that is all I
can say. The world is still in just as bad a shape as it was
yesterday but it's Saturday so, erm... at least we're not at work
now? Yeah, I know I'm reaching now so I'd best just get on with
today's slice of Doctor Who.
I was a kid (and for a large chunk of when I wasn't) a favourite
comfort read of mine was the 'Dalek Omnibus', a collection of three
novelisations of Dalek stories from the TV show; these were 'The
Dalek Invasion of Earth', 'Planet of the Daleks' and 'Day of the
Daleks'. I absolutely adored that book, and it was a real shame to
see it go, but it struck me (the other day) that I'd never actually
seen any of the stories that the novelisations covered. Ok, I've seen
the film of 'The Dalek Invasion of Earth' but I'm not counting it,
even though I do like Peter Cushing's Doctor. 'I need to do something
about that', I thought to myself and a quick trip to CEX saw me come
home with a copy of 'Day of the Daleks'. The 'Dalek Omnibus' journey
starts here then...
Earth in the 22nd century, Daleks have enslaved the planet and humans
live in fear of their masters. Meanwhile, back in the 20th century, a
peace conference is urgently needed to prevent World War Three. When
reports reach UNIT of a ghost at Auderly House--the site for the
conference--the Doctor and Jo decide to investigate. Danger is
waiting for them there, including a trip 200 years into the future
without the Tardis.
Jon Pertwee's Doctor does enjoy his Venusian akido and bombing around
industrial wasteland on a dirtbike, doesn't he? If 'Day of the
Daleks' is anything to go by, he certainly does. I'd heard him
described as the 'Action Doctor' but never thought it would be
this full on. It makes a real change to other Doctors who seem to
just want to talk it through (okay, the Tenth Doctor had a bit of a
go with a sword but the Third Doctor is something else...) Not that
I'm advocating for a more physical Doctor, just seeing Pertwee karate
chop an Ogron makes me realise how little 'Doctor Who' I've actually
watched. I definitely need to watch more of the Third Doctor.
The story...? Oh yeah, there's a story.
story here is a bit of a funny one as to start off with, I was
watching and thinking, 'hang on, all they're doing here is jumping
forwards and backwards in time, having a little chat and then going
back to their own time.' Watching a little bit more though, it all
starts to come together and builds up to what I thought was a really
clever revelation about why and how the Third World War really
started. And then it all gets sorted out within the last fifteen or
so minutes of the final episode so maybe the actual plot is a little
bit lightweight but it's fun so you're not left complaining while
you're watching.
'Day of the Daleks' as good as the book? Of course it was, better I
reckon. It doesn't demand an awful lot of you though but that's just
what I needed this morning...
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