'Train to Busan' (2016)

I told you it might be a while before I was reading books again, didn't I? Bloody 'Survivor'... Actually, hopefully it won't be that long, just a question of finding something that won't have me falling asleep on the bus on the way to work... Stay tuned.
In the meantime, welcome to the conclusion of my very small rewatch of 'Seoul Station' and 'Train to Busan'. 'Seoul Station' was alright but lightweight (for this zombie fan anyway) and not particularly memorable. Luckily, I'd seen 'Train to Busan' before and knew what I'd be letting myself in for. ' Train to Busan' has been out for a few years now so I'd be surprised if you haven't seen it already. If you haven't though and you like zombie movies, I can promise you won't regret giving it a go...

As an unidentified virus sweeps the country, the Korean government declares martial law. As the country descends into chaos, one city, Busan, is rumoured to have successfully fended off the virus outbreak and remains the only beacon of hope for those not yet infected. But when the virus breaks out on an express train to Busan, passengers on board must fight for their own survival.
453 km from Seoul to Busan. The struggle to survive. Get on board to stay alive.

The virus will kill you but it brings you back again so that's ok, isn't it? Hell no! Not when everyone infected comes back as a zombie that absolutely will not stop running until it's eating your face. Can you tell that I love this movie? Because I do :o)

'Train to Busan' is everything that's great about zombie movies but sped up until everything is moving at around a million miles an hour at least. Okay, 'very fast' might be a bit more accurate but the film is still awesome with the action and the plot zipping along to the point where, even though I've seen it before, I still can't take my eyes off the screen because I don't want to miss anything. And there is plenty of spectacle for the viewer, I'm thinking of the scene where they get off at Daejon station and promptly have to jump back on the train again, bloody amazing. In terms of grim spectacle and fast zombies clambering over each other at top speed, 'Train to Busan' is everything that 'World War Z' wanted to be but for whatever reason, didn't quite manage. It's real 'heart in your mouth' stuff and in the spirit of all really good zombie movies, no-one is safe. Well actually, you could play 'spot the surviviors' and you'd get a couple of characters but it just seems to highlight the fact that no-one else is safe and anyone could be bitten.

It's not just about the action though (although I do love the action); 'Train to Busan' has a very sweet message about helping other people in the face of the Zombie apocalypse. Whether it's Seok Woo's journey of redemption to a place where he can do a favour for a dead man and not think how it will benefit him, and realising that he is a father as well as a fund manager, or Yon-Suk looking out for himself to the point where he dies alone; the message is a little heavy handed but drives the plot in ways that, if you're like me, will make you pretend that you have a little dust in your eye at certain moments. It's cool, I get it.

'Train to Busan' is just brilliant on all the levels that you need in order to watch an action packed zombie film but also tell people that it has hidden depths and not to judge you when the zombies crash through the windows of the bridge and you do a little cheer because it is so great watching falling zombies bounce off a train roof. Not that I did that you understand...
Look, just watch it; you'll love it.


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