That Difficult First Post...

First things first...

No I'm not going to tell you how this blog got its name. Not that I don't want to, it was a condition of me using this name that I promised I'd never tell anyone else why... Intrigued? You're intrigued.

Why am I starting a blog though? That I can tell you.

Once upon a time there was a chap (me) who, after a horrible three or four years, got himself a nice little flat and filled it full of books, graphic novels and DVDs (sort of like a library...) And Lego mini-figures but you can't really blog about them. But anyway...

To stop himself just watching Youtube until he fell asleep every night, our hero decided to blog about all the books, graphic novels and DVDs that he had collected. 'Lord Samper's Library' is where you can read all about what I'm reading, watching and so on...

Some of it will be brand new, some of it will be older and some of it may have you thinking 'I'd forgotten all about that...' I'm going to try and post something every day but I want to enjoy this so we'll see how that goes (hint, if a post is about cover art then I'm more than likely not feeling it that day)

See you tomorrow. In the meantime, I'm going to try and see if I can remember how to work Blogger...


  1. As someone who really loves cover art and how trends have changed - I'll keep any eye out for days that you are not feeling it. I don't tend to pick up book books pre-dating 1990 (yeah, I have no clue either) than i'll keep an eye for older titles too!


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